Curing Amenorrhoea With Homeopathy

Amenorrhea cure homeopathy
 Amenorrhea is absence of menses. Homoeopathic medicines for treatment of amenorrhea are as follows

Apocynum Cannabinum-      Most indicated remedy in primary as well as secondary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea with dropsical condition. With weakness and nervous excitement, there is no menstrual flow with tenderness of the abdomen and distension of the abdomen with distension of the limbs. Severe anemia, prolonged menorrhagia for six weeks. Blood is expelled in large clots or in fluid state with shreds of pieces of membranes and then amenorrhea sets in for months together. Aggravation after menorrhagia, exhaustion, continues work. Amelioration from rest, lying down, mental peace.

Lycopodium- Amenorrhea as a result of trauma from fear, fright, sadness which develops anorexia nervosa. Emaciation with diseases at central nervous system leads to amenorrhea. Amenorrhea for many months. Female is melancholic, weak memory confused thoughts and loss of self confidence. Aggravation from right side, right to left, warm application. Amelioration after mid night.

Sepia-      Indicated remedy in primary as well as secondary amenorrhea. Yellow, greenish leucorrhoea with much itching of genitals. Acute vagianits, sensation of great weakness in the small of back with the pains which extends into the back. Inflammatory condition with suppressed ovarian function. Aggravation from dampness, evening, cold. Amelioration from warmth, pressure, violent exercise.

Curing Menorrhagia With Homeopathy

Menorrhagia is excessive menstrual loss in amount or duration or both. Homoeopathic treatment for menorrhagia is as follow.

Inflammation of the ovaries or uterus especially after the abortion or premature labour causes menorrhagia afterwards. Copious hemorrhages associated with uterine colic. Flow is partly fluid and partly clotted in gushes and is offensive in nature.
Menses too early, too profuse, too protracted with labour like pains. Aggravation from least motion, warm application. Amelioration from cool open air.

Inflammation of ovaries and of uterus causing profuse bright red blood with violent pain in the ovaries extending down the inner side of the thighs. Menses too early, copious, too long lasting with severe backache. In climacteric age, the menorrhagia is due to pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine polyps and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Bleeding warts.
Great weakness, with blue rings around the eyes. Empty gone sensation in abdomen. Aggravation in evening, lying on left side, on painful side, either hot or cold. Amelioration from cold, rubbing.

Congestion and inflammation of uterus and ovaries. Excessive menstrual flow with bruised feeling and great soreness. Copious flow of bright red blood mixed with clots. This hemorrhage is followed by great exhaustion.
Cutting pains from hip to hip during menses with redness, heat and burning everywhere. Bearing down pains. Aggravation from heat of sun, bending lying down. Amelioration from sitting.

Curing Dysmenorrhoea With Homeopathy

Homeopathy cure dysmenorrhea
1. Aconite- Congestive dysmenorrhoea. Sudden, violent attack of symptoms. Labour like pressing type of pain in the uterus. Sudden onset of abdominal pain. Vomiting with great restlessness. During menses there is acute fever with great thirst and bitter taste in mouth. Severe headache, backache and with sudden fright or fear of death, the menstrual flow ceases. Aggravation at night, from warmth, lying on affected side. Amelioration from open air. 

  2. Belladona- Congestive dysmenorrhoea. Profuse menstrual bleeding, bright red in color and then uterus becomes sore. Abdomen during menses is swollen which is tense like a drum. Sudden appearance of congestive dysmenorrhoea with flushed face, throbbing headache. Menses increased, bright red, too early and too profuse with cutting pain through pelvis in horizontal direction, the pains are paroxysmal and the discharge is offensive. During dysmenorrhoea, there is painful bearing down sensation in the pelvis. Aggravation from touch, motion, night, lying down. Amelioration from rest, warm application, standing, on sitting erect.

3. Caulophyllum- Menses short, irregular, passive flow. Chorea, hysteria or epilepsy at the puberty. Patient is very much fearful, restless and very much excitable. Stiffness of small joints of fingers, toes, ankles, etc. Cutting and throbbing pains on flexing the fingers. Pain in various portions of the hypogastric region. Dysmenorrhoea is followed by acrid and exhausting leucorrhoea especially in hysterical women. Aggravations from exertion, while walking, open air. Amelioration from rest, warm application, lying down. 

4. Colocynth- Round small cystic tumors in the ovaries and broad ligaments. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. Agonizing pain in abdomen which is of shooting type, like lightening shocks, down the whole limb, left hip, left thigh, left knee and into the popliteal fossa. During dysmenorrhoea, the female becomes extremely irritable, impatient and becomes very much angry. Bearing down cramps. Burning pain in ovarian region relived by hard pressure. Menses are always suppressed by chagrin and colicky pains.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis With Homeopathy

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a condition which is experienced commonly in the old age groups. it is important to prevent the disease from progressing into its complications. Homoeopathy has an excellent role in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

homeopathy rheumatoid arthritis cure
Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex chronic disorder and needs to be evaluated properly before any prescription is made. Homoepathy considers arthritis as a constitutional problem and treats it accordingly. Homeopathy can prove to be a great boon for all those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. As Homoeopathic prescription is based upon careful analysis of the symptoms of the patients, it is a system of medicine that understands and treats the patient’s individualized disease characteristics deeply enough to ensure the complete elimination of the disease from the root.

 The activated dilutions of Homoeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own restorative system to eradicate the disease. When rightly prescribed, they are extremely safe. Selecting the right homeopathic medicine requires complete analysis of the body on various levels- mental, physical and particulars (i.e. the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis). Although it is not very clear as how homeopathy works in rheumatoid arthritis, it is hypothesized that homoeopathic medicines regulate the immune system and deactivates the misdirected immune cells. They also help in reducing the inflammation in the joints. Reversal of deformity with homoeopathy is still under debate and nothing conclusive can be said about it.

Homoeopathy also benefits in those cases when one is already taking allopathic painkillers for rheumatoid arthritis. It can gradually reduce the dependence on painkillers and then make one feel the need of taking it only in emergency. After continuous and regular homoeopathic therapy, dependence on painkillers would totally vanish. Scope of homoeopathic treatment in rheumatoid arthritis is very favorable. But the patient needs to understand that the homeopathic system is aiming to clear out the disease from the body and not trying merely to suppress or give temporary relief. Thus it could take a while before one experiences relief. The time required for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is dependent on various factors like the chronicity of the disease, genetic propensity and the extent of damage.

Especially in the early stages, cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis respond well to the homoeopathic treatment. The medicines can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of the attacks and can delay the onset of complications. In advanced stages where deformities of the joints have occurred, Homeopathy can help to ease the pain. Through Homeopathic treatment, the disease progress can be slowed down, significant reduction in joint stiffness and pain can be achieved and further complications of the disease can be prevented. Overall the scope of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Homeopathy is good and it is definitely suggested in all cases of arthritis.

Early treatment of rheumatoid arthrtitis shall prevent progression into further complications.
Homoeopathy also benefits those cases when one is already taking allopathic painkillers for rheumatoid arthritis.

Homeopathy gradually reduces the dependence on painkillers.

Source: Bukisa

Cancer: Homeopathic Cures

cancer cure homeopathy


Main Remedies
Arsenic Album, Bromium, Cadmium Sulph, Carbo Animalis, Carcinosinum, Conium, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Nitric Acid, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Silicea, Trifolium Pratense


Main Remedies
Asterias Rubens, Carbo Animalis, Conium, Phytolacca


Main Remedies
Hecla (Hekla) Lava, Phosphorus, Symphytum


Main Remedies
Conium, Phosphorus

Other Remedies
Arsenic Album, Ars Iod, Baryta Carb, Carbo Animalis, Crocus Sativa, Kali Iodatum, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Plumbum Met, Thuja, Tuberculinum


Main Remedies
Cadmium Sulph

Other Remedies


Main Remedies
Arsenic Album, Hydrastis

Other Remedies
Alfalfa, Carcinosinum


Main Remedies
Ars Iod, Conium, Lycopodium

Other Remedies
Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Carcinosinum, Cundurango, Hydrastis, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lapis Albas, Phytolacca, Ranunculus Bulbosa, Silicea, Sol, Thuja


Main Remedies
Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus

Other Remedies
Carbo Animalis, Lycopodium, Sepia, Silicea


Main Remedies
Carbo Animalis, Conium


Main Remedies
Phytolacca, Scrophularia Nodosa

Other Remedies
Aconite, Arsenic Album, Ars Iod, Baryta Iodatum, Calc Fluor, Carcinosinum, Iodum, Kali Mur, Natrum Mur, Phosphorus, Thuja, Tuberculinum


Main Remedy

Other Remedies
Alumina, Arsenic Album, Kali Carb, Nitric Acidum

Schizophrenia: Homeopathic Remedies

schizophrenia cure homeopathy

I am not going to give the signs and symptoms of this disease. it can be easily accessed from any website on the internet.

Here are a few useful sites




Main Remedies
Anacardium, Aurum Met, Carcinosinum, Kali Bromatum, Lachesis Muta, Melilotus, Stramonium

Other Remedies
Anhalonium, Belladonna, Hyocyamus, Medorrhinum, Verat Album


Main Homeopathic Remedy

Other Remedies
Anhalonium, Cannabis Indica, Chlorpromazinum, Haloperidolum, Kresolum, Rauwolfia Serpentina, Reserdinum, Thalamus, Thioproperazinum


Main Homeopathic Remedies
Anacardium, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Melilotus, Stramonium

Other remedies
Anhalonium, Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Carcinosinum, Cuprum Met, Kali Bromatum, Medorrhinum, Mercurius, Platinum Met, Plumbum Met. Rauwolfia serpentina, Verat Album.


Homeopathic Remedies
Chlorpromazinum, Cicuta Virosa, Corticotroprinum, Haloperidolum, Rauwlfia Serpentina, Reserpinum, Thalamus, Thioproperazinum


For that I am afraid you will have to do some work yourself. Buy the two books I am mentioning below and look up the symptoms of the remedies. The remedy whose symptoms match those which you have is the remedy that will cure you.

Concordant Materia Medica - FRANS VERMEULEN

Multiple Personality Disorder ( Dissociative Identity Disorder): Homeopathic Cure

Multiple Personality Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder Homeopathic Cure

I am not going to give the signs and symptoms of this disease. it can be easily accessed from any website on the internet.

Here are a few useful sites



Main Remedies

Anacardium, Lachesis, Platinum

Other Remedies
Carcinosinum, Stramonium, Verat Album


Main Remedies

Anacardium, Hyocyamus, Platinum, Stramonium, Sulphur

Other Remedies

Belladonna, Cantharis, Lachesis, Opium, Silicea, Thuja, Verat Album

The poor little girl in the classic horror film 'The Exorcist' would have been cured quite easily by Verat Album. It cures green vomiting!


For that I am afraid you will have to do some work yourself. Buy the two books I am mentioning below and look up the symptoms of the remedies. The remedy whose symptoms match those which you have is the remedy that will cure you.

Brain Stroke And Homeopathy

Homeopathy cure brain stroke
The human brain, awesome in its intricacy and power, is still largely a mystery to modern science. With more than 10 million nerve cells it is the home of all that we know and feel, the generator of every physical action and response. Yet, unlike other cells in the body, brain cells once damaged are not good at repairing themselves. And they can be damaged quite easily – by infection, injury, or oxygen starvation. Should any part of the brain go without oxygenated blood for more than a few minutes the affected cells will pack up permanently – the body has suffered a Brain Stroke.

 The signs of a stroke vary a great deal, depending on which part of the brain has been damaged, but symptoms range from a sudden loss of speech or movement to dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, and unconsciousness. They may last only a few hours: this is called a Transient Ischemic Attack (T.I.A.). If the symptoms don’t disappear, this is a full-scale stroke.

 There are two different kinds of stroke.

The most common is an ischemic stroke, caused by a blood clot that blocks a blood vessel or artery in the brain.

The other, less common, is a hemorrhagic stroke, caused when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and spills blood into the surrounding tissue. There are various ways that the flow of blood to the brain can be slowed or stopped. Sometimes a Clot (Thrombosis) forms, blocking the flow of oxygenated blood. Or a blood clot (Embolism) which formed somewhere else in the body breaks free and ends up blocking an artery to the brain. In other cases, blood bursts through the wall of a weak artery into the brain (Haemorrhage), building into a clot.

 Luckily, our brain cells have so many connections between them that healthy cells can often take over the function of damaged cells so that we hardly know that anything has gone wrong. Half of stroke survivors return to full health, but much depends on how much damage has been done to the brain, as well as on the aftercare provided.

  Causes A cerebral infarction occurs as a result of a blocked artery. The arteries become blocked over the years and this produces slow blood flow to the brain. Cerebral haemorrhages usually occur as a result of weak arteries or aneurisms in the brain that rupture. High blood pressure is the cause of weak arteries in most cases.

  Risk Factors for Brain Stroke Some stroke risk factors are hereditary. Others are a function of natural processes. Still others result from a person’s lifestyle and diseases e.g. Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Smoking, Alcoholism, Head Injury , Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA ) etc.

 Age — The chances of having a stroke approximately doubles for each decade of life after the age 55. While stroke is common among the elderly Heredity (family history) and race — Risk is greater if a parent, grandparent, sister or brother has had a stroke. African Americans have a much higher risk of death from a stroke because blacks have higher risks of high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Sex (gender) — Brain Stroke is more common in men than in women. In most age groups, more men than women will have a stroke in a given year. However, more than half of total stroke deaths occur in women. At all ages, more women than men die of stroke. Use of birth control pills and pregnancy pose special stroke risks for women. Prior stroke, TIA or heart attack — The risk of stroke for someone who has already had one is many times that of a person who has not. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are “warning strokes” that produce stroke-like symptoms but no lasting damage. TIAs are strong predictors of stroke. A person who’s had one or more TIAs is almost 10 times more likely to have a stroke than someone of the same age and sex who hasn’t. Recognizing and treating TIAs can reduce the risk of a major stroke. If you’ve had a heart attack, you’re at higher risk of having a Brain Stroke, too.

  Symptoms Occurs when the blood supply to the brain is stopped. One may have Abrupt loss of Vision, Energy, Coordination, Sensation, Speech. Weaknesses or Paralysis down one side of the body, Loss of Balance. Sudden and Severe Headache. As brain must be continually supplied with blood through the arteries. If the blood supply stops for some reason, the result is very serious. Disruptions of blood flow to the brain are known as stroke. There are two types (i) Cerebral Infarction (ii) Cerebral Haemorrhage. A cerebral infarction occurs when an artery is blocked, halting the flow of blood to the brain. The second basic type of stroke is cerebral haemorrhage which occurs when there is bleeding into the brain. As blood flows into the brain, the build up of pressure results in agonising headache, sometimes followed by loss of consciousness. Depending on where the brain has been damaged and how badly it has been affected, the patient usually recovers but they may have a physical weakness as a result of the stroke. There can be Abrupt loss of Vision, Energy, Coordination, Sensation, Speech. Numbness, weakness, or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg, typically on one side of the body. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes, such as dimness, blurring, double vision, or loss of vision. Confusion, trouble understanding. Slurred or garbled speech. Trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination. Severe headache followed rapidly by Loss of Consciousness. Symptoms vary depending on whether the stroke is caused by a clot or bleeding. The location of the blood clot or bleeding and the extent of brain damage can also affect symptoms.

  Early detection f you are around it is imperative that you recognize stroke symptoms quickly in order to get the victim the help they need as soon as possible. Brain cells begin to die as soon as a stroke occurs. The faster you get to a doctor, the more likely the stroke sufferer will survive. FAST is an easy acronym to remember and will help you identify symptoms quickly.

  Step 1 F -(Face). Ask the person to smile for you. If one side of the face droops.

  Step 2 A -(Arms). If the person cannot raise both arms, or one arm flops downward, there may have been a stroke.

  Step3 S -(Speech). If the person cannot repeat a simple phrase, or their voice slurs or sounds strange.

  Step 4 T -(Time). If you see any of the signs listed above, it is an emergency and essential that you see a doctor immediately to avoid long-term effects.

  Investigations Apart from the clinical symptoms as discussed above ,medical history of the patient certain Laboratory Investigations are also required such as Pathological Blood Test , Biochemistry, CT Scan, MRI Scan, EMG, NCV etc. to confirm the diagnosis of Brain Stroke for the patient

  Lifestyle It is vital that you commence regular aerobic exercise – swimming, walking or anything safe and gentle that you feel comfortable with. People at high risk for stroke should not smoke and should eat a low-fat diet and not take contraceptive pills.

  Preventable risk factors of stroke Prevent High blood pressure, High cholesterol, a Sedentary Lifestyle, Obesity, the abuse of stimulant drugs such as amphetamines, smoking, use of birth-control pills, and stress. Certain lifestyle related risk factors can be controlled to reduce the risk of Stroke. High blood pressure — High blood pressure is the most important controllable risk factor for Brain Stroke Cigarette smoking — In recent years, studies have shown cigarette smoking to be an important risk factor for Brain Stroke. The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damage the cardiovascular system in many ways. Oral Contraceptives – If combined with cigarette smoking greatly increases the risk of Brain Stroke among women. Diabetes — Diabetes is an independent risk factor for stroke. Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and are overweight. This increases their risk even more. While diabetes is treatable, the presence of the disease still increases your risk of stroke.

  Effects of Brain Stroke Stroke can affect people in different ways. It depends on the type of stroke, the area of the brain affected and the extent of the brain injury. Brain injury from a stroke can affect the senses (such as eyesight, touch, awareness of body positioning), motor activity (movement of arms or legs), speech and the ability to understand speech. It can also affect behavioral and thought patterns, memory and emotions. Paralysis or weakness (the inability to move the arms or legs properly, or at all) on one side of the body is common. As one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a stroke affecting one side will result in neurological complications on the side of the body if affects. For example, if the stroke occurs in the brain’s right side, the left side of the body.

What Is Homeopathy?

homeopathy explained

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a proven science. It is based on the principle "Similia Similibus curantur "which means "like cures like". It means treatment by the same.

 It is system in which there is treatment of diseases by administrating homeopathic medicines having a capacity to produce similar symptoms to that of the patient.

The founder of homeopathy is Dr. Samuel Hahneman. Homeopathy not only is useful for curing the disease but also useful in increasing immunity of a person. Homeopathy also has scope in the prevention of diseases. Proving of medicines is done on healthy human being, not on animals because the effect of some drugs on animals is different than those on humans.

In homeopathy there is no treatment for a particular disease, but it treats patient as a whole by considering his mental and physical state of the body not his different parts of the body. It means removal of the disease from it root. So during case taking the main aim of the physician is to find out the most characteristic symptoms of the patient. So while doing this his signs and symptoms are considered, and these sign and symptoms vary in each and every individual for the same diseased conditions also intensity of the complaints varies.

So while case taking a detailed history of the patient is taken like present complaints, details of it in location, sensation, factors which make complaints better or worse and detailed of past, family, personal history, his lifestyle and finally most important is his metal symptoms in that about his nature, nature, memory, emotions etc.

In homeopathy metal symptoms has given very much importance. Then after considering all the physical and mental symptoms the correct medicine which has capacity to cure all his sign and symptom is given.

Is homeopathy slow acting? Does it acts only in long lasting chronic diseases?

Homeopathy is not slow acting; it acts in both acute and chronic diseases. This is misunderstanding of people that it takes very long treatment to cure, so they do not go to homeopaths when they suffer from acute ailments like cold, cough, fever etc. It can act very fast in acute infections also.

They go to homeopath only or when suffer from long standing chronic cases such as asthma, skin complaints, arthritis etc , and when the acute complaints becomes chronic and then says it requires very long treatment to cure. But they don't understand these diseases require long term treatment with any other medicines too.

So duration of treatment depends upon nature of the disease. When they have tried all other medicines for their complaints and failed everywhere then finally come to homeopath where the diseased has already very much progressed after so many years, and the nature of disease has become very chronic, so now obviously treatment will take longer time.

What are the dietary and restrictions while taking homeopathic medicines?

Abstinence from strong smells like perfumes, scents, strong smelling soaps, strong smelling flowers, onions, garlic, coffee, because the given homeopathic medicines are so minimal in dose and thus these thing can interfere with the action of medicines and can nullify the effect of the drug substance. Coffee acts as an antidote to homeopathic medicines.

What are the limitations?

As every field has limitations, homeopathy also has its limitations .It has limited scope in surgical cases where surgery cannot be avoided, dental surgical cases but it can take care of before surgery and after surgery. Before surgery it can reduce anxiety, fear, can control blood pressure etc and after surgery helps to complete the healing process in a faster way.

Why same white sugar pills are given for all patients? Are they effective?

White sugar pills do not contain any kind of medicines, but it acts as a vehicle for medicine. There are alcohol based dilutions of medicines and are in the form of liquids; only few drops of medicines are added on the sugar pills. Or medicines can be taken directly on the tongue or can be dissolved in water. There are about more than 1000 of dilutions medicines

Is there is any side effect of medicine?

There is no any side effect of the homoeopathic medicine but there can be temporary aggravation of the complaints. Aggravations depend on the potency of the medicine given. Higher potencies may cause aggravations of the complaints, and it also depends upon individual's susceptibility, nature of the disease. But some mother tincture, lower potencies like 1x can show minor side effects, because they contains large amount of dose and are less potentised.

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