Deciding on Potency in Homoeopathy

homeopathy remedy potency deciding selection

The potency problem remains unresolved till this day. There are staunch high potency advocates like Kent, Nash and inveterate believers in the lower one like Blackwood and Richard Hughes. In other words there are no hard and fast rules on which potency to use in homoeopathy.

The sensible thing to do is to keep an open mind and use both the high and low as the need arises.

Keep in mind. If you have got the similimum right any potency will work.

But here are some words of advice. Do not use higher potencies if you are unsure whether you have the right remedy.

Higher potencies can be given if the mentals and generals match.

With sensitive and aged people avoid the higher potencies.

Start using the 1 M and higher potencies only after you have gained a certain amount of confidence and mastery over homoeopathy. Do not use the higher potencies haphazardly. This could be dangerous.

A beginner homeopath gave one of his patients (wrongly as later events proved) repeated doses of 1 m and 10 m of Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum. The patient developed painful growths in the rectum which remain till today.

The point I am stressing on is do not use high (1 M and more) potencies if you are not sure of yourself.

More on potency

Some useful books on potency:
  1. Select Your Doses and Potency by P S Rawat.
  2. What About The Potency? by Michelle SHINE
  3. Introduction to Homeopathic Prescribing by Gunavante, S.M. (Pages 124-153)
  4. The Elements of Homoeopathy by P Sankaran,(Pages 425-444)
  5. Homoeopathic Materia Medica by William Boericke. (Boericke has given the suggested potencies against each drug. Useful stuff)

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