Homeopathy Cures Varicose Veins

homeopathy treatment varicose veins

Doctors say there is no other way to get relief in varicose veins than surgery. There is a way to cure it. Gently. Homeopathy.

Tamara Der-Ohanian is a homeopath who practices in Canada (visit www.thehealingdimension.com).

In an article in Vitality magazine, she explains that a good homeopath verifies two things: The parallel between the physical, mental and emotional state of a person and the characteristics of the remedy.

For example, the remedy, natur muriaticum, is derived from a dilution of the common salt—but, too much salt causes fluid retention. Thus, people utilizing this remedy for varicose veins manifest retention tendencies such as congestive headaches.

Der-Ohanian presented the case of Joanne, an environmentalist and humanitarian whose varicosed legs were covered with purplish lesions and crusts. Her legs were often tired and numb after protracted periods of sitting.


The homeopath says, “After analyzing Joanne’s symptoms and personality traits, I prescribed causticum, which is derived from a diluted tincture of potassium hydrate.

In Joanna’s case, remarkable improvement was seen after only six weeks—the ulcers on the legs were diminished by 50 percent. The legs became stronger, and the numbness disappeared. And, after six months, her varicose veins disappeared almost completely!

In conclusion, Der-Ohanian states, “Varicose veins and other ailments don’t exist in isolation. As such, they can’t be treated as separate entities with different remedies. If you take a medication for headache, an antifungal remedy for your feet, and skin treatment for eczema, you’re merely palliating the symptoms.

“Cure cannot truly take place, unless the organism is treated as a whole—and the connection between mind, body and spirit is considered!”

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