Homoeopathic cure of gallstones

gallstones cure homeopathy

What are gallstones?
The liver secretes gall to aid digestion, and the gall is stored in the gall bladder. Gallstones are formed when there is an obstruction of the bile ducts or a build-up of bile. There can be one or multiple stones in the gall bladder, and they can vary in size from a grain of sand to over an inch. Smaller stones will pass easily, but larger ones can become stuck, blocking the flow of bile and causing pain in the bile ducts. An abdominal X-ray is used to diagnose and detect stones. Symptoms that can arise from gallstones include jaundice, bilairy colic and fever. Urine can turn green or brown. Pain may radiate to the shoulder of the back, or across the entire abdomen.

There are a number of homeopathic remedies available to treat gallstones:

Chelidonium is a remedy used for many types of liver distress. The person needing Chelidonium will experience pain in the area of the liver as well as over the right scapula. The soft stools can be bright yellow or there can be constipation. Even the skin may develop a grey or yellowish tint.

Podophyllum is another remedy known to be of great use in liver complaints. Watery, profuse stools are a keynote of this remedy, and the color can be changeable: from yellow to green. The tongue of a person needing this remedy can be yellow as well. This remedy picture also included nausea, vomiting, burping, and gas, along with alternating diarrhea and constipation. This person is better during cold weather and worse when the temperatures turn warm.

Carduus Marianus is used as a homeopathic remedy and an herbal remedy to heal the liver. The person needing homeopathic Carduus has liver enlargement and jaundice along with the gallstones. They may vomit up green acid-tasting bile. Carduus is also used to treat jaundice and gall bladder enlargement.

Lycopodium is used as a homeopathic remedy to treat various types of indigestion. It is commonly used to treat flatulence. Because of the digestive disturbances, those needing this remedy can be underweight. They wake with a dry mouth or a sour, burning sensation. They can have an acid stomach and many attacks of hiccups. If they don’t eat regularly, they will feel poorly. On breathing in, they may experience a stitching sensation in the region of the gall bladder, under the ribs on the right side. Those needing Lycopodium usually suffer from chronic constipation and either love to eat oysters or are upset by eating them.

Calcarea Carbonica is a common remedy used to treat many constitutional and chronic illnesses and is also a useful remedy for gallstones. This person can experience shooting pains over the liver and an inability to wear tight clothes. The abdomen may feel cold as well. They can have stomach cramps at night and in general, they crave eggs. They will experience constipation or smelly, stools with diarrhea.

Colocynthis pains are better when bending forward and by heat. The cramping is very marked in those needing this remedy. Spasmodic pain accompanies the liver colic.

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