Allergies and homeopathy

homeopathy cure allergies

Melanie Grimes says millions the world over are affected by allergies and homeopathy gives a real cure. She also suggests some remedies.

Allergies affect over millions of people worldwide, which is the reason that World Homeopathy Awareness Week chose “Homeopathy and Allergies” as it theme for 2009. Allergies are an abnormal reaction to normal substances, such as food, mold or pollen. Common allergic reactions can include runny a nose or diarrhea, however allergic reactions can lead to debilitating illness, chronic disease and even death.

According to both the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), as many as 35 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms each year. Hay fever allergy alone causes a loss of over four million workdays a year at a cost of $700 million in lost productivity. Coincidentally, one of the physicians who founded the AAAI was a homeopath.

Over 40 percent of Americans seek help with their allergies from an alternative practitioner, according to the AAFA. Dr. Andrew Weil has been quoted as saying, “"For many people, homeopathy can be the last, best hope for ending allergy symptoms without side effects. Unlike the medications you mentioned, homeopathy can actually change the way your body responds to allergens, instead of merely suppressing the symptoms they cause."

Studies have shown homeopathy’s efficacy in allergy treatment. The medical journal, Lancet (Dec. 12, 1994), published a double-blind study of homeopathy in treating asthma. Half of the participants were given a homeopathic remedy and half were treated by placebo. The homeopathic group showed significant relief of their asthma symptoms. Another Lancet article (October 18, 1986) tested homeopathic doses of twelve plants prepared homeopathically to reduce hayfever. Results again, displayed homeopaths ability to reduce symptoms in this difficult to treat allergic reaction.

How to Avoid Flare-Ups of Hayfever, or Pollen and Mold Allergies
It is easier to avoid an allergy attack then to treat one. To best avoid allergies, avoid contact with the allergens. Keep track of your local pollen and mold count at the website. These figures are updated three times a week in most areas. It has been proven that with less exposure, the body’s immune reaction will subside, so avoid exposure to allergens in the morning, or limit exposure until as late in the day as possible. Keep windows closed and use air filters in both homes and automobiles. Wash in hot water to remove pollen and molds and do not expose clothing or toys in outside air, such as hanging laundry out to dry, as pollen can collect on personal items. Use a facemask outside if the pollen count is high. It is recommended that allergy sufferers bath nightly. This will cleanse accumulated toxins from the body and allow the body to rest and restore in a non-toxic environment

Common Homeopathic Remedies For Allergies

Allium cepa
Profuse burning nasal discharge worse in warm weather. Bland tearing from the eyes. Worse from exposure to damp winds.

Nux vomica
Chilly and irritable, and better in open air. Frequent sneezing with fluent discharge by day and congestion at night.

Bland, watery nasal discharge with burning in the eyes and throat. Eye pain worse in the open air. Nose discharge worse at night.

Burning eyes with dry throat. Moist, burning nasal discharge.

Congested in a warm room or while lying. Better with cool applications, cold rooms and open air. Thirstless.

Anxious and chilly are keynotes of those needing Arsenicum. Asthmatic breathing may be worse after midnight. The person needing Arsenicum is frequently restless and thirsty.


Chilly and sensitive to cold. Hay fever that starts with a lot of sneezing, brought on by the scent of flowers and a raw sensation in the inside of the nose. Dry nose or fluent white mucous.


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