Canine Homeopathy: It Can Cure Your Pet Dog

homeopathy dogs pet

Homeopathy is a form of natural healing which has long since been used to treat many different health conditions. The basic premise of homeopathy is that "like cures like." In recent years, homeopathic remedies have also been used to treat dogs.

Homeopathic remedies may be administered to dogs by either dropping the pellets in the mouth, dissolving the remedy in distilled water or grinding them down and mixing with milk. These treatments are prescribed by a specialist, known as a homeopathic veterinarian. In The Everything Natural Health For Dogs Book, Gewirtz & Nuccio (2009) highlight ten basic homeopathic remedies, including the following:

* Aconitum napellus - shock, fever, excessive fear, panic, canine distemper, infections
* Apis mellifica - allergic reactions to bee stings, inflammation, fluid retention
* Arnica montana - strains, fractures
* Belladonna - fevers, ear infections, heat stroke
* Calendula - heals wounds/cuts
* Camomilla (chamomile) - soothes oral pain
* Nux vomica - over-stimulation of nervous system
* Mercurius solubilis - gingivitis, diarrhoea
* Rhus toxicodendron - itching, rashes, hives
* Sulphur - mange, allergic reactions, diarrhoea

Homeopathy for Dogs with Kidney Problems

The kidneys are necessary for getting rid of waste from the blood and are found in front of the dog's rear legs, near the spinal column. Kidney failure is believed to affect around 25% of dogs and may be acute or chronic. In addition to mainstream treatments, there are several homeopathic remedies which may help dogs suffering from kidney-related problems, such as urinary tract infections. Gewirtz & Nuccio (2009) identify key homeopathic remedies, to include a follows:

* Aconite - helps dogs straining to urinate
* Arsenicum - aids dogs suffering from incontinence
* Belladonna - helps dogs with sudden straining/incontinence
* Berberis - relieves painful urination in dogs
* Equistem - helps puppies experiencing pain urinating

How Homeopathy Helps Dogs with Arthritis

Many dogs go on to develop arthritis in their senior years, thankfully there are a range of different treatments which can help, such as massage, applying heat to the effected areas and homeopathic remedies. A homeopathic veterinarian may recommend several homeopathy treatment, including Silicea, Belladonna and Eupatorium. In addition, there are three main homeopathic remedies used to treat acute arthritic attacks, which according to Gewirtz & Nuccio involve taking Phytolacca, Rhododendron and Agaricus.
Homeopathic Remedies for Seizures in Dogs

Homeopathy has been recognized as beneficial for dogs suffering from nervous system conditions, including seizures. In addition to making dietary changes and using nutritional supplements, there are three key homeopathic remedies which may be used for seizures. According to Gewirtz & Nuccio, Belladonna and Silicea are identified as effective in reducing seizures, while Arnica Montana can help dogs suffering from seizures following a head injury.

If you are interested in learning more about homeopathic remedies or alternative treatments for dogs, get in touch with your vet and he or she should be able to refer your pet to a specialist, if appropriate. It is important to always follow instructions and seek expert advice before treating health conditions.

Source: Suite101

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