Homeopathy In Treating Burns

Treating burns homeopathy
In our everyday life everyone experiences minor burns. There is no need to rush off to a doctor. Homeopathic remedies will cure. When tissues are burned, fluid leaks into them from the blood vessels, which causes swelling and pain. In addition, damaged skin and other body surfaces are easily infected because they can no longer act as a barrier against invading organisms. Burns are classified by degrees; the depth of injury from a burn is described as first, second or third degree. First degree burns are red, moist, swollen and painful. Second degree burns are red, swollen and painful, and can develop blisters that may ooze a clear fluid. Third degree burns usually are not painful because the nerves have been destroyed. The burned area does not blanch when touched, and hairs can easily be pulled from their roots without pain. Burns are serious; a qualified medical practitioner should check them thoroughly if they are more than a minor burn. Most minor burns are superficial but second and third degree burns can swell and leave permanent scarring. For minor burns, there are some excellent homeopathic remedies: Cantharis vesicatoria. This is an excellent homeopathic remedy to think of in any case of a burn where the skin may be quite red and inflamed. As well, this remedy may prevent blisters from forming. Calendula officinalis. In the homeopathic form,this is a great remedy to give in all cases of burns as it will promote quicker healing. Even if you are waiting for medical attention, you can continue to administer this remedy every 15 minutes. Urtica urens: Great remedy for stinging pains, itching and swelling of first degree burns. Causticum: burning pains with rawness (as from an open wound) or if there are long term emotional or physical symptoms after a burn. In addition, Arnica 30CH can be administered with any of the above remedies.

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