New Insidious Attack On Homeopathy: "Homeopathy Is Placebo, The Consultation Process Heals"

 Dr. Sarah Brien, a senior research fellow in complementary medicine in the UK, was quoted on Science Daily online as saying that homeopathic consultations benefit rheumatoid arthritis patients. But it is the consultation that does it, and not the homeopathic remedies, she says.

homeopathy criticised debunkedThe attacks on homeopathy never ceases to amaze me. When labeling it as witchcraft, quackery and what not did not work, opponents of homeopathy have come up with new insidious ways of belittling homeopathy.

It seems new research in England has revealed that homeopathy medicine itself nothing but placebo. Arthritis patients benefit from homeopathy because the unique homeopathic consultation process is the one that helps the patient.

I have never seen bigger blatant lies in my life.

I would suggest to Dr. Sarah Brien to read up the most basic of homeopathic repertory and materia medica first. Then she could say whatever she wants to say.

I will talk about myself. If all homeopathic medicines are placebo, then why do I feel differently when I take Arsenic Album 30 (A homeopathy drug) and Natrum Mur 200 (another homeopathic drug)? If all drugs are placebo I should have felt similar effects on taking taking the two drugs.

On taking Arsenic Album why did I feel a burning sensation, restlessness and feeling that I was going to die? On taking Natrum Mur I felt despondent and felt a desire to consume more salt. Why?

Because the different effects of the two different drugs were laid down in materia medica written more than 150 years ago by a German chemist called Samuel Hahnemann, a Dutch German called Count von Boenninghausen and an American called Hering. These are called provings. The drug is given to healthy persons and the effect on the person is recorded carefully. This is the homeopathic materia medica.

I wonder if Dr. Sarah Brien even knows what is the Homeopathic materia medica.

My advice to those who publish all sort of gibberish about homeopathy is; study it well first. Then comment on it. It is difficult to learn but not impossible for a reasonably intelligent person. Read the materia medicas, repertories. Read the books by Hahnemann, Boeninghausen, Hering, John Clarke, Margaret Tyler, Sankaran, Kent, Boger and then dare to say anything about homeopathy.

Homeopathy is difficult to learn and practice but it gives marvellous results. The suffering humanity deserves to receive all the healing it can get. Please do not belittle homeopathy. Understand it first. It is not like other systems of medicine. It has its own laws. Respect them. That is what democracy is all about.

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