Homoeopathy cures stomach cancer

Given below are some homoeopathic remedies that have been commonly used in treating stomach cancer.

Cancer of stomach. Burning pains in the stomach. Excessive thirst. Desire for acidic food and drinks. Worse from cold drinks and food. Better by hot drinks. Vomiting of all he takes. Vomiting of black substance. terrible sensation of weakness and exhaustion with anxiety in the region of stomach and restlessness.

Violent crampy pains, burning pains. Burning and stinging in the region of stomach. Stomach enlarged. Hanging down. Hard lump between navel and edges of lower ribs on the right side. Abdomen bloated. Rumbling in the colon. Vomiting at intervals of a few days only. Vomits when stomach full of food. Vomiting lasts whole day.

Violent nausea. Retching. Black vomit. Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood. Great prostration. Stomach tender. Burning and cutting in stomach. Least thing that touches lips excites vomiting.

Saltish water rises from the stomach and runs out of the mouth.

Desire for stimulants and tobacco. Constant belching, nausea and vomiting. Heat in oesophagus. Heartburn. Sore stomach. Empty eructations.

Vomiting of chocolate colored mass. Sour and acrid vomit. Pressing, burning, squeezing pain extending from pit of stomach into back and shoulders.

This remedy has achieved considerable reputation in cancer of stomach and other types of carcinoma. Ulcers on false ribs as large as a hand, apparently cancerous.

Vomits everything except water with milk. Pain in the pit of stomach. Emaciation. cannot eat bread or vegetables.

Cancer of stomach. Vomiting of dark greenish mass after eating or drinking. Stomach and abdomen bloated. Rumbling in bowels. Obstinate constipation. hard swelling in the epigastrium. great debility and emaciation. Ulcer worse when sitting bent, better when moving about or when warm in bed. Vomiting of bile, pus and coagulated blood.

Agonising feeling in stomach and chest. Loss of appetite. Retching. Loss of flesh. Very depressed mentally. Very weak. Nausea. Flatus rolling in ball in abdomen from side to side.

Constant nausea and fullness of stomach after eating or drinking. Vomiting of sour foul smelling liquid as if it has been mixed with water, ink and coffee grounds. Sunken abdomen with hard swelling. Pale, earthy complexion. Emaciated. Sleepiness, Peevish. Gurgling sound in the abdomen. Bowels constipated.

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