Homeopathy in Curing Asthma
Gentle cure is possible of asthma with homeopathy.
What is asthma?
Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by spasms of the bronchi (the air way tubes), swelling of the mucus lining of the lungs, and the production of excessive amounts of thick, viscid mucus.
Etiological / triggering factors
* An allergen, such as hay, pollen, animal dander, and dust are strong factors that activate an attack of asthma.
* Toxic chemicals and air pollution are very important factors that act as triggering as well as maintaining causes for asthma.
* Viral infections
* Exposure to cold air
* Emotional upset or tumult
* Excessive physical exercise also triggers asthma.
* Early weaning of an infant from breast milk and an early introduction to solid foods are reasons that increase the frequency and intensity of asthma in children
* Genetically engineered plants are augmenting allergic reactions, particularly asthma in a number of individuals.
* Food additives present in all refined food packets
What happens during an episode of asthma? (Clinical manifestations of asthma)
A typical asthma attack is seen as difficulty in breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and excessive production of mucus.
Investigations for asthma
* A person suffering from chronic asthma will demonstrate high levels of eosinophils in the blood
* Also, there will be raised levels of IgE levels
* The individual will demonstrate positive allergic tests.
* Respiratory function tests help evaluate the capacity and functioning ability of the lungs.
Homoeopathy to battle asthma
Homoeopathy is a complex system of medicine, which treats a host of diseases efficiently. This system cures and heals the body holistically. The homoeopathic medicines treat the disturbance in the patient’s vital force and bring about cure. Innumerable homoeopathic medicines have shown beneficial results in the management of asthma. These remedies improve the body’s defense mechanisms, and lower the susceptibility to allergens. homoeopathic remedies are made out of nature – flowers, fruits, animal extracts and products, and minerals, and are completely bereft of any adverse side effects.
Homeopathy Cures Varicose Veins
Doctors say there is no other way to get relief in varicose veins than surgery. There is a way to cure it. Gently. Homeopathy.
Tamara Der-Ohanian is a homeopath who practices in Canada (visit www.thehealingdimension.com).
In an article in Vitality magazine, she explains that a good homeopath verifies two things: The parallel between the physical, mental and emotional state of a person and the characteristics of the remedy.
For example, the remedy, natur muriaticum, is derived from a dilution of the common salt—but, too much salt causes fluid retention. Thus, people utilizing this remedy for varicose veins manifest retention tendencies such as congestive headaches.
Der-Ohanian presented the case of Joanne, an environmentalist and humanitarian whose varicosed legs were covered with purplish lesions and crusts. Her legs were often tired and numb after protracted periods of sitting.
The homeopath says, “After analyzing Joanne’s symptoms and personality traits, I prescribed causticum, which is derived from a diluted tincture of potassium hydrate.
In Joanna’s case, remarkable improvement was seen after only six weeks—the ulcers on the legs were diminished by 50 percent. The legs became stronger, and the numbness disappeared. And, after six months, her varicose veins disappeared almost completely!
In conclusion, Der-Ohanian states, “Varicose veins and other ailments don’t exist in isolation. As such, they can’t be treated as separate entities with different remedies. If you take a medication for headache, an antifungal remedy for your feet, and skin treatment for eczema, you’re merely palliating the symptoms.
“Cure cannot truly take place, unless the organism is treated as a whole—and the connection between mind, body and spirit is considered!”
Those Who Criticise Homeopathy Are "Ignorant and Stupid"
Health 2000 company chairperson Bob McDonald has labelled sceptics who staged a protest on homeopathic remedies as “ignorant and stupid".
Mr McDonald, who manages Ashburton’s Health 2000 shop, said homeopathic remedies, such as arnica cream and tablets and hayfever tablets, were popular with many customers.
“People aren’t buying them if they aren’t getting results,” Mr McDonald said.
The remedies are created by heavily diluting products from the plant, animal and mineral worlds.
The products in their natural form would stimulate the exact type of reaction that in their heavily diluted form they apparently deter.
For example, the plant Arnica montana in its natural form causes haemorraging and bruising if consumed, but in its heavily diluted form is found to soothe and heal bruising.
Mr McDonald said while homeopathic remedies made up just 5 to 10% of the shop’s sales, the industry itself was a worldwide billion dollar one.
This was simply because people found they got results from the products, and sceptics were just “bigoted and close-minded” as well as “ignorant and stupid” for discounting this.
While the products were diluted there was still minute doses of them in the remedy, and these only had an effect if taken in small amounts.
‘Overdosing’ would negate the effect.
Mr McDonald, who manages Ashburton’s Health 2000 shop, said homeopathic remedies, such as arnica cream and tablets and hayfever tablets, were popular with many customers.
“People aren’t buying them if they aren’t getting results,” Mr McDonald said.
The remedies are created by heavily diluting products from the plant, animal and mineral worlds.
The products in their natural form would stimulate the exact type of reaction that in their heavily diluted form they apparently deter.
For example, the plant Arnica montana in its natural form causes haemorraging and bruising if consumed, but in its heavily diluted form is found to soothe and heal bruising.
Mr McDonald said while homeopathic remedies made up just 5 to 10% of the shop’s sales, the industry itself was a worldwide billion dollar one.
This was simply because people found they got results from the products, and sceptics were just “bigoted and close-minded” as well as “ignorant and stupid” for discounting this.
While the products were diluted there was still minute doses of them in the remedy, and these only had an effect if taken in small amounts.
‘Overdosing’ would negate the effect.
Mumbai Doctor says Homeopathy cures Thyroid better
Citing the advantages of homoeopathy over allopathic treatment for thyroid and other hormone-related problems, Dr Bandish D Ambani from Mumbai said that over 80 percent of patients depending exclusively on homoeopathic treatment stand a chance of being completely cured in a year’s time.
Praising the holistic approach of the therapy, Dr Ambani, while interacting with Newsline on Thursday, said the treatment helps stimulate the body’s glands to produce hormones.
“Hormonal problems like thyroid are increasing at a fast pace due to changes in lifestyle and dietary habits of people. Add to it the fact that Indians are genetically predisposed to have more thyroid problems,” said Dr Ambani.
Homeopathy In Treating Burns
In our everyday life everyone experiences minor burns. There is no need to rush off to a doctor. Homeopathic remedies will cure.
When tissues are burned, fluid leaks into them from the blood vessels, which causes swelling and pain.
In addition, damaged skin and other body surfaces are easily infected because they can no longer act as a barrier against invading organisms.
Burns are classified by degrees; the depth of injury from a burn is described as first, second or third degree.
First degree burns are red, moist, swollen and painful.
Second degree burns are red, swollen and painful, and can develop blisters that may ooze a clear fluid.
Third degree burns usually are not painful because the nerves have been destroyed. The burned area does not blanch when touched, and hairs can easily be pulled from their roots without pain.
Burns are serious; a qualified medical practitioner should check them thoroughly if they are more than a minor burn.
Most minor burns are superficial but second and third degree burns can swell and leave permanent scarring.
For minor burns, there are some excellent homeopathic remedies:
Cantharis vesicatoria. This is an excellent homeopathic remedy to think of in any case of a burn where the skin may be quite red and inflamed. As well, this remedy may prevent blisters from forming.
Calendula officinalis. In the homeopathic form,this is a great remedy to give in all cases of burns as it will promote quicker healing. Even if you are waiting for medical attention, you can continue to administer this remedy every 15 minutes.
Urtica urens: Great remedy for stinging pains, itching and swelling of first degree burns.
Causticum: burning pains with rawness (as from an open wound) or if there are long term emotional or physical symptoms after a burn.
In addition, Arnica 30CH can be administered with any of the above remedies.
Where Do Homeopathic Medicines Come From?
The homeopathic medicines are derived from following sources:
Plant Kingdom: Herbs and plants are from plant kingdom such as Belladonna atropa (Deadly Nightshade) , Calendula Off (Marigold), Arnica Montana (Leopards bane), Crocus Sativa (Meadow saffron)
Mineral Kingdom: Most of the elements and compounds like metals, salts, alkali, and acids are from mineral kingdom such as Sulphur, Calcarea Carb (Calcium Carbonate) , Nitric-Acid, Natrum-Muriaticum (Common Salt)
Animal Kingdom: Drosera, Rumex, Lac Defloratum, Oleum Jecrosis, etc
Homeopathy has a unique approach to the method of preparation of the drugs (called potentisation) in which the end result will contain only the 'dynamic curative power' of the drug substance/concentrated ingredient. This ensures that homeopathic remedies with its nano dose are non-toxic, absolutely safe, and bring about cure. Homeopathic dilutions are dispensed in medicinal alcohol. The tablets, pills, globules, or powder are non-medicinal and are used as a medium to administer the homeopathic medicines.
Anxiety Disorders And Homeopathy
Homeopathy is very effective in curing anxiety disorders. This is because the mind of a patient is taken in consideration when prescribing a remedy. Mind and body are connected. Homeopathy understands this and hence is very effective in curing mental problems.
Below are some remedies useful in curing anxiety disorders.....
Argentum nitricum: This remedy could be useful when anxiety develops only before a huge event: an exam, an important interview, a public appearance or social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhea can as well be experienced. Individuals who want this remedy are sometimes enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses. They sometimes crave sweets and salt (which usually make there symptoms worse).
Arsenicum album: Asenicum Album patient are deeply anxious about there health, and extremely concerned with order and security, sometimes benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and very neat, they feel a desperate want too be in control of each. Panic attacks sometimes occur around midnight or during early hours of the morning. The person feels exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting, pacing, and restlessly moving from place too place. Those individuals may have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
Aconitum napellus: Acute panic attack of anxiety neurosis comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) can point toward this remedy. A state of immense anxiety can be accompanied by strong palpitations, tininess of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience will be the underlying induce. Strong feelings of anxiety occur when a person comes down with a flu or cold.
Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid individuals who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start too fear a breakdown. Their thoughts become muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news can gripe those, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others). Fear of heights and claustrophobia are usually present too. A person who needs this remedy is sometimes chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is simply fatigued.
Gelsemium: Mentally weak and feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being “paralyzed by fear”) suggest a want for this remedy. It is sometimes useful when a person has stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or feels anxious only before a test, a visit too the dentist, or any amount stressful event. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will sometimes occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
Ignatia amara: A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) can benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings are other indications. The person can burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter. Headaches with a sensation of a nail driven into the side of the head, and cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Kali Phosphoricum: Exam fever in students or for a person who has been exhausted by overwork or illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability. The person is jumpy and oversensitive, and can be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events could aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability too concentrate increases the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest sometimes bring relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive upsets are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Lycopodium: Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They could be self-conscious and feel intimidated by individuals they perceive as powerful (yet can as well swagger or be domineering toward those with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on responsibility could induce a deep anxiety and fear of failure, though the person usually does well, once started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive upsets with gas and bloating, and a craving for sweets are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Natrum muriaticum: Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness could make these individuals seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend too stay away from social situations. (Inhibitions sometimes disappear when they turn too alcohol, which makes those feel embarrassed afterwards). When hurt and offended, they brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves—refusing consolation even when they want it. Nevertheless, they are sometimes sympathetic listeners to other individuals’ problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers), migraines, and insomnia are sometimes observed when this remedy is needed.
Pulsatilla: Individuals who need this remedy sometimes express anxiety, insecurity and and a tendency to cling to others, with a desire for constant support and comforting. The person can be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally immature. (Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for kids.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room sometimes increases anxiety. Fresh wind and gentle exercise sometimes brings relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) is helped with Pulsatilla.
Silicea : Individuals who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet are nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety could be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or a new job or task. Worry and overwork could bring on headaches, difficulty in concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and diligent, they sometimes overreact and devote attention to tiny details—increasing their worries. They sometimes have low stamina and come down with colds, sore throats, or other illnesses when under stress.
Below are some remedies useful in curing anxiety disorders.....
Argentum nitricum: This remedy could be useful when anxiety develops only before a huge event: an exam, an important interview, a public appearance or social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhea can as well be experienced. Individuals who want this remedy are sometimes enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses. They sometimes crave sweets and salt (which usually make there symptoms worse).
Arsenicum album: Asenicum Album patient are deeply anxious about there health, and extremely concerned with order and security, sometimes benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and very neat, they feel a desperate want too be in control of each. Panic attacks sometimes occur around midnight or during early hours of the morning. The person feels exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting, pacing, and restlessly moving from place too place. Those individuals may have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
Aconitum napellus: Acute panic attack of anxiety neurosis comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) can point toward this remedy. A state of immense anxiety can be accompanied by strong palpitations, tininess of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience will be the underlying induce. Strong feelings of anxiety occur when a person comes down with a flu or cold.
Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid individuals who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start too fear a breakdown. Their thoughts become muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news can gripe those, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others). Fear of heights and claustrophobia are usually present too. A person who needs this remedy is sometimes chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is simply fatigued.
Gelsemium: Mentally weak and feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being “paralyzed by fear”) suggest a want for this remedy. It is sometimes useful when a person has stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or feels anxious only before a test, a visit too the dentist, or any amount stressful event. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will sometimes occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
Ignatia amara: A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) can benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings are other indications. The person can burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter. Headaches with a sensation of a nail driven into the side of the head, and cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Kali Phosphoricum: Exam fever in students or for a person who has been exhausted by overwork or illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability. The person is jumpy and oversensitive, and can be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events could aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability too concentrate increases the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest sometimes bring relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive upsets are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Lycopodium: Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They could be self-conscious and feel intimidated by individuals they perceive as powerful (yet can as well swagger or be domineering toward those with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on responsibility could induce a deep anxiety and fear of failure, though the person usually does well, once started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive upsets with gas and bloating, and a craving for sweets are sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.
Natrum muriaticum: Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness could make these individuals seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend too stay away from social situations. (Inhibitions sometimes disappear when they turn too alcohol, which makes those feel embarrassed afterwards). When hurt and offended, they brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves—refusing consolation even when they want it. Nevertheless, they are sometimes sympathetic listeners to other individuals’ problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers), migraines, and insomnia are sometimes observed when this remedy is needed.
Pulsatilla: Individuals who need this remedy sometimes express anxiety, insecurity and and a tendency to cling to others, with a desire for constant support and comforting. The person can be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally immature. (Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for kids.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room sometimes increases anxiety. Fresh wind and gentle exercise sometimes brings relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) is helped with Pulsatilla.
Silicea : Individuals who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet are nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety could be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or a new job or task. Worry and overwork could bring on headaches, difficulty in concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and diligent, they sometimes overreact and devote attention to tiny details—increasing their worries. They sometimes have low stamina and come down with colds, sore throats, or other illnesses when under stress.
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